quarta-feira, 7 de maio de 2014

Cine Me

On the surface this film raises the usual questions of technology vs. humanity, but if you look deeper you will see that there is much more to this movie than meets the eye. Other more complex questions are raised, such as: What is self-awareness? What role do we as humans ultimately want technology to play in the bigger picture that is our future? How do we reconcile logic with emotion? Should we fear technology? Do we have a soul and if so, does that mean that when our bodies die we can still live on through other means? I really enjoyed this film and found myself thinking about the questions I posed above, as well as many others.

Johnny Depp as Will is not an obvious choice but he brought a likability to the character. Evelyn's (Rebecca Hall) struggle with her husband's demise and "reincarnation" are palpable but I think the audience will sympathize with her unwavering devotion. Paul Bettany is the movie's conscience so his character is cautious, if not underutilized.

Decidedly imperfect, yet refreshingly bold, imaginative, and ultimately thought-provoking, Transcendence is a film that will engage some and be lost on others. Set on the heels of the transhumanism movement, Transcendence follows a scientist whose fated tragedy ultimately leads to his greatest achievement, with themes of free-will, consciousness, and the nature of life itself.

Miserable Student: So you're trying to create a god? Your own god?
Dr. Will Caster: That's a very food question. Um, isn't that what man has always tried to do?




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